Step by Step
Each memorial is handmade and 100% unique. Here is the process from start to finish.
Step 1: Choose Your Memorial
Visit our online shop and choose the memorial that you would like us to create. We are happy to create more than one memorial for you. This is a nice option if you would like multiple members of your family to have their own piece of art. When you are ready, place your order.
Step 2: we will send you a collection Kit
After we receive your order, we will send you a collection kit in the mail. Your collection kit will include a tightly-sealing jar in which to place the ashes, along with easy instructions. We will need only about a teaspoon of ashes to make your memorial. If you are uncomfortable handling the ashes yourself, we encourage you to enlist the help of a close friend or family member. Once your ashes are packed in our provided kit, you will need to ship the kit to us via USPS Priority Mail Express. The cost of shipping the package back to us will be approximately $27, and you will need to pay for shipping at your local post office. The USPS states that Priority Mail Express is the only legal method of mailing loose cremains.
Step 3: creating your memorial
We work on only one memorial at a time, and we abide by the standards of care, quality and respect. The process starts with a gather of molten glass, which is then rolled in your ashes. More glass is gathered on top of the ashes, encasing them permanently. Once the ashes are encased in the glass, they cannot be removed. The molten glass is then sculpted into your chosen object. Each piece of art is handmade without the use of molds, and will vary from the exact objects pictured.
Step 4: packing and shipping
After your memorial is complete, it will be carefully packed and shipped back to you. The entire process from receiving the ashes at our studio to you receiving your memorial usually takes approximately four to six weeks. If you have a specific timeline in mind, please contact us.